Two poems written on a 2 month trip to England this Summer - reunited with family and friends after the 2 year pandemic gap.
*Elul refers to the 12th and final month of the Jewish calendar, before the New Year begins. It is traditionally a time of reflection and making amends - whether with ourselves, others or the world.
Across London
footsteps walking upon paths
once known
familiar and old -
a Primrose hill view
of the Shard
the Cathedral
the Gherkin
the flashing light on top of Canary Wharf.
Pointing out to my love
who looks with fresh eyes
- observes.
We lose the compass
until we find East again;
Three pees under a tree after tea...
Winding round
meandering our way to the canal
covered in bright green Summer moss;
it's cold to us but not the cold
I once knew
And over the bridge at Camden Lock
I take photos like a tourist
- even though I grew here every Saturday -
pointing out to my love the used tos
used to be's
and the
here it still is!
I remember the place where incense permanently burned
I gaze upon the empty brick wall
where hippy fabrics would hang.
The stalls now so clean cut and corporate
trendy boutique chique.
I always yearn for what
once was,
though then - I yearned for what will be
And, walking next to my love
who I wish to create life with
I yearn...
In the meantime
carving out steps of now
into memory.
Elul in the Motherland
Starting to feel a shift
as I wonder what's cooking inside me...
(sending love)
as I walk upon green paths...
(talking too much)
I feel the winds of change,
the new month creeping closer
with the wisdom of reflection
Time to make amends
and sew (back) together fragile fragments of
self, or other,
or both,
Starting to gather seeds and intend
without even meaning to,
born from the deep places
Wishing for and creating life with its' own physis
what's Yes becomes clearer
what's no remains no
and I re-remind myself
to listen
to move
and trust each healing step
upon this Mother Land.
